Meet Tommy
Tommy, Regional Practice Manager for a Women's Health Company
Q: How many days of the year are you on the road?
A: If I was to put a number on it, I’d say 60%.
Q: How is dressing well important to your work?
A: Most of my job is meeting people and trying to figure out what their needs are.You have to come across as confident like you’ve been there before. So a sharp suit is the best thing you can put on. It’s like a modern-day suit of armor.
Q: How do you make the best first impression through your clothing?
A: I put on my Blank Label suit, one of my favorite shirts, and some sharp cuff links. I feel good enough to go in there and know that whomever I meet, they’ll think highly of me.

Q: I imagine that your suits get a lot more love than the average guy.
A: Yes. In and out of a car, in and out of a plane, constant sitting or standing, running, and sweating.
Q: Do you have any tips or tricks you’ve acquired over the course of your travels?
A: I pack a handheld steamer, or I’ll ask for one from the hotel—most carry one. I use a garment bag when possible, but when I’m on the run I fold my suits so that they will fit into my bag with minimal wrinkles. I turn the jackets inside out, then roll the pants into them.
Q: How do you keep your suit in good condition if you’re wearing it on a long flight?
A: I’ll never put the jacket up top. I will either keep it on or ask them to hang it up. A lot of airplanes will have a place where you can hang your jacket.
Q: What does custom mean to you?
A: I have a really unique body in terms of my measurements—broad shoulders and a trimmer waist, but my neck is a size 19. If you have a size 19 neck off the rack shirts are going to look like a parachute that someone just cut a hole into it. I wanted a tapered shirt that’s fitted around the arms with a neck that still fits.
Q: Are there any customizations you prefer?
A: I love the monogram. Some people think it’s peacocking to get it on the shirt cuff, but I love it.
Q: Your monogram is TKL. What’s the K stand for?
A: That’s my birth name, Khanh. It’s on my license and everything, but everyone calls me Tommy, even my parents
Q: At what age did you become Tommy?
A: When we moved here. Once we got to the states they were like, “Hey we’ll give you an American name,” and it just kind of stuck.
Q: How would you describe your sense of style?
A: I like matching nice things with casual clothes. I love wearing a sharp suit with a bright Hawaiian shirt in a wild pattern—that’s my favorite thing. The best is that the shirt is a short sleeve, so if I want to party, I just take off my jacket.
Q: How often do you wear a pocket square?
A: Most of the time, actually. It’s kind of what I’m known for at my job. People joke that I should have a fake pocket when I go to the beach.
Q: Is that your go-to pocket square fold, the classic bar?
A: Yep, unless I’m wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Then I’ll go with the big, puffy one.