Meet Caleb
Caleb, Management Consultant
Q: How did you get into custom clothing?
A: I was in that unique phase in life when you graduate from college and you want to start wearing nice clothes and look better. A buddy of mine had tried Blank Label and it was right across the street from the office. Everything fit better and felt better, so I just kept going back. Over time I amassed a whole wardrobe.
Q: Just for the record, what do you own from Blank Label at this point?
A: I own two coats, three suits, seven dress shirts, seven casual shirts, five pairs of pants, three short sleeve shirts and a white tuxedo dinner jacket which I recently got engaged in. And counting! It’s going up.

Q: What’s your go-to for an important meeting or presentation?
A: My navy blue suit. It’s a straight-up work suit. It’s not too fancy, and it looks nice. That’s the thing I like about Blank Label: I want to look good for work, and I also want something I can wear if I’m out in Vegas with friends.
Q: Where do you most frequently wear your Blank Label clothing?
A: Everywhere. School, work, going out with my fiancée for drinks. Just not the gym!
Q: What fit issues did custom solve for you?
A: Everything looks better when it fits well. I’m about 6’2” but my arms are a little bit longer, so sleeves were too short. I had nice dress shirts that I would only wear with the sleeves rolled up.
Q: Are there any customizations you prefer?
A: I always get my initials at the bottom of the shirt. People will play it off as a joke at first, like “Oh, Caleb has custom. Then they’ll ask, “Where did you get it?”
Q: What are you studying in grad school?
A: I am getting my MBA from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. I’m trying to pursue a career in sports management long term, so I’m working this summer at the NBA headquarters in New York in an internal consulting role.
Q: How is dressing well important to your work?
A: A lot of management consulting is client-facing, where you’re coming into a company as a stranger to help them solve a problem. I think that the way you look can help lend credence to the work you’re doing.
Q: Is there something you wear to feel more confident in that situation?
A: The navy blue suit, because it’s classic. I’ll throw in a pocket square, too.It’s about presenting yourself as the complete package so you can feel good, look good, and work hard.
Q: Why did you choose the white dinner jacket?
A: It really struck me, and I thought it would look great in the setting where I was planning to do it—on the beach in California. You made it happen in time for the proposal, which is cool. I was driving to LA, so I had to have it ready to go.