Meet Terry
Terry, Entrepreneur
Q: Why did you choose to get your own tuxedo rather than rent one?
A: It’s a special day. You do a wedding once. I felt that even if I wouldn’t have the opportunity to wear the tux again, having it for that day would mean a lot to me.
Q: What about the tux’s customization options stood out to you?
A: I love this color. Knowing that I could choose that exact color that I wanted on that day is perfect.
Q: How did your tuxedo make you feel on your wedding day?
A: Splendid. I felt like I stood out and I felt great.

Q: Where was your wedding?
A: It was in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. It was beautiful.
Q: How did you meet your wife?
A: In college, at a house party. I saw her and she saw me, but neither of us approached each other. Finally, I said “Hi,” and that night all we did was exchange numbers. Then we started to work out together at the gym. It was like a friendship that gradually got romantic. And I always thought she was cute, so it was perfect.
Q: Do you plan on wearing your tux for any upcoming occasions?
A: Yes, this year should be a great year. I have a startup company, and we’re hoping to do a launch party.
Q: How did you come to found your own company?
A: I grew up humble in Barbados and came to the United States on a full merit scholarship. I feel that I’ve been pretty fortunate and I’ve worked really hard, but now that I’m in this position I want to help others so I founded an education technology startup. I want to give education as a gift so that other people can empower themselves.
Q: How is dressing well important to your work?
A: I go to high schools. You’re setting an example for those people who grew up in impoverished areas. When I see those kids I want them to see me and think, “Wow, I want to be like him.”
Q: What does custom meant to you?
A: Knowing that you can get something tailored exactly to fit you. I just put this shirt back on for the first time after the wedding and I was like, “Wow, I forgot how amazing this was.”
Q: What fit issues did custom solve for you?
A: I ran track and played football. I used to squat 500 lbs. So pants were always too tight on my thighs, but the waist would be too big.
Q: What hobbies do you have outside of work?
A: I love playing sports, so I stay pretty fit. I’m big into EDM music, and I go to the festivals. I went to Ibiza last year, and that was an experience.