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Your Fall Wedding Wardrobe Guide

Fall weddings can take on a decidedly different tone and style compared to their spring and summer counterparts. It follows then that the ideal outfit for both grooms and guests should change with the seasons.

For Grooms

Color palettes for grooms will general move toward darker and/or warmer, neutral colors.

Black and navy suits are classic fall options. For this time of year, darker ties will go best with darker colored suits. Grooms can tie in light pops of color with a brightly colored boutonniere or light-colored pocket square.

Black twill suit

Warm, neutral towns are exceptional and stylish fall choices. Brown and tan suits are incredibly fall-appropriate choices, and cooler temperatures allow for heavier, more textured options in these colors.

Khaki twill jacket with navy fine windowpane trouser

Grey suits will work best in the mid-to-dark tone range. Worsted, brushed twill or any other more “woolen” looking texture will work incredibly well in a fall setting.

Marble grey worsted suit

For Guests

As with grooms, navy is a fantastic tried-and-true fall option, as are grey-toned steel blues. Employing darker, earthier ties like brown, bronze or forest green will make the ensemble even more fall-appropriate.

Blue grey worsted suit

Browns, darker olive greens and mid-to-dark greys are excellent choices as well. Forego the lighter, airier weight fabrics of summer in favor of more substantial fabrics with a bit more texture - tweeds, nailheads and even flannel wools will be best.